Walgreens walkout: Your pharmacy might be closed next week

Walgreens walkout: Your pharmacy might be closed next week


Employees at two of the largest drugstore chains in the United States say harsh working conditions make it difficult to safely fill prescriptions, which could put the health of their customers at risk. Now, they’re demanding change by staging a series of walkouts across the country.

Pharmacy employees at some Walgreens stores, including pharmacists, technicians and support staff, are planning a walkout between October 9-11, an organizer, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from the chain, confirmed to CNN. Some employees plan to walk out for just one day, while others expect to shutter their pharmacies for all three days.

Employees at more than 500 of America’s approximately 9,000 Walgreens stores across the United States have expressed interest and solidarity, a Walgreens pharmacy employee and walkout organizer said, though fewer will likely end up participating.

CNN spoke to employees at three Walgreens stores in three states who said they plan on walking out.

The planned action comes after pharmacy employees walked off the job at multiple CVS stores in the Kansas City area last week.

The coordinated action at some Walgreens stores is in response to what pharmacy employees call burdensome prescription and vaccination expectations levied on pharmacists from corporate management, according to the organizer. As a result, employees often find themselves falling behind and dealing with angry customers.

The company sets performance expectations based on the number of team members each pharmacy should have, said the pharmacy worker. However, in reality, staffing is much lower than that. At the same time, the worker said, they’ve cut training hours for new technicians.

“We don’t believe that Walgreens is allowing us to give our patients safe care on a daily basis,” the organizer explained. “Walgreens isn’t responding, they’re not fixing those things.”

A representative from Walgreens said the company has increased training for new pharmacists but has put a pause on what it called “non-critical” training during the busy immunization season.

Walgreens representatives also told CNN that there have never been corporate quotas and that all task-based metrics for retail pharmacy staff as part of team members’ performance reviews were eliminated last year. The company said it has made $265 million in incremental investments in its nationwide pharmacy team this fiscal year and has created dedicated positions to manage inventory and administrative tasks for pharmacists.

Still, one pharmacy employee who said staff at their store will participate in the walkout on Monday told CNN that they are expected and incentivized to administer more vaccines. “I spend almost all of my day in the shot room, and if I’m not in the shot room I’m filling prescriptions because we’re so behind,” they said.

“There have been nights where I’ve been on the verge of tears because of how hard it is,” they said. “I had a patient give me a fist bump and tell me I was doing a good job, and that meant so much to me. The patients are caring more about us than the employer is.”

Another pharmacist told CNN that he expects his pharmacy to close during the planned walkout period and that he’s heard from Walgreens pharmacists at 13 other stores in his state who are interested in participating.

“We’re going to do way more harm to people in 10 more years of operating like this than we would with a three-day walkout,” the pharmacist said. “It’s time to try something different. Every year we get the same promises and every year we get the same Band-Aid on the problem.”

In a statement to CNN, Walgreens acknowledged that pharmacy employees were overworked.

“The last few years have required an unprecedented effort from our team members, and we share their pride in this work — while recognizing it has been a very challenging time,” said Fraser Engerman, a communications director at Walgreens. “We also understand the immense pressures felt across the US in retail pharmacy right now. We are engaged and listening to the concerns raised by some of our team members.”

Walgreens is “committed to ensuring that our entire pharmacy team has the support and resources necessary to continue to provide the best care to our patients while taking care of their own well-being,” added Engerman. “We are making significant investments in pharmacist wages and hiring bonuses to attract/retain talent in harder to staff locations.”

Walkouts at CVS

Pharmacy employees of Walgreens and CVS and pharmacist advocates told CNN that their work has always been difficult, but the pandemic made things near impossible. Employees describe severe and chronic understaffing, low pay, high vaccination quotas, long stretches without bathroom breaks, abusive management and violent customers.

Inspired by successful labor strikes across the country this year, they’re saying enough is enough and organizing walkouts as part of what some labor advocates are calling “pharmageddon.”

In September, CVS pharmacists shuttered as many as 22 pharmacies in two walkouts over two weeks in the Kansas City area in a planned protest, prompting executives from the Rhode Island-based retailer to meet with staff and assure that additional support and higher overtime pay were coming.

“Pharmacists are doing exactly what they’ve been trained to do, which is evaluate the situation and take whatever action is necessary to ensure that they’re providing the best patient care,” said Michael Hogue, CEO of the American Pharmacists Association, who traveled to Kansas City to meet with CVS executives and walkout organizers this week. “We have a widespread problem in the US of inadequate staffing in community-based pharmacies.”

Prem Shah, CVS’ chief pharmacy officer and president of pharmacy and consumer wellness, issued an internal memo, reviewed by CNN, apologizing to his pharmacy teams for failing to address the concerns in the region more quickly.

Employees remain skeptical.

Another meeting with Shah is planned for October 15, one of the CVS walkout organizers told CNN, but no time or location has been set.

“We’re committed to providing access to consistent, safe, high-quality health care to the patients and communities we serve and are working with our pharmacists to directly address any concerns they may have,” Amy Thibault, lead director of external communications for CVS Pharmacy, said in a statement to CNN. “We’re focused on developing a sustainable, scalable action plan that can be put in place in markets where support may be needed so we can continue delivering the high-quality care our patients depend on.”

A national movement

Even a day without access to medication would be disastrous for Americans, said Amanda Applegate with the Kansas Pharmacists Association. “But making sure that you’re getting those prescriptions out in a timely, efficient and safe manner is [why] pharmacists are walking out,” she said. Pharmacists aren’t demanding huge pay increases and vacation days, she added, they’re asking for more help to get their jobs done.

This week, more than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers walked off the job, citing similar problems and marking the largest health care worker strike in US history.

Pharmacist advocates believe that the walkouts will likely continue for some time. CVS and Walgreens pharmacists are not currently represented by a union and these efforts have been coordinated by individual workers. However, multiple sources told CNN that employees at CVS and Walgreens have recently been in touch with union groups.

While Kansas City “has been a tinderbox,” said Applegate, these walkouts could have happened anywhere.

“It’s a hard job on a good day. It’s an incredibly rewarding job, but it’s hard,” she said. “And so the idea of pharmacists essentially being turned into ATMs in these environments, encouraging volume over quality, is why this is happening.”

Why was the SCOTUS (9-0) ruling on Ruan/Kahn A NON STARTER ?

The June 2022 SCOTUS ruling that the DEA must NOT USE OBJECTIVE CRITERIA in judging prescribers in what they prescribe to pts dealing with SUBJECTIVE CRITERIA.

From Chatgpt: The primary function of the Supreme Court of the United States is to serve as the highest judicial authority in the country. The Supreme Court is the final arbiter in interpreting the Constitution and federal laws. Its main functions include:

  1. Judicial Review: The Supreme Court has the authority of judicial review, which allows it to review the constitutionality of laws, executive actions, and lower court decisions. This power was established in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison (1803).
  2. Interpreting the Constitution: The Court plays a crucial role in interpreting the United States Constitution. It clarifies the meaning of constitutional provisions and ensures that laws and government actions conform to the constitutional framework.
  3. Resolving Disputes: The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in a limited number of cases (those involving ambassadors, public ministers, and states). However, the majority of its cases come on appeal from lower federal courts or state supreme courts. The Court decides these cases to provide uniformity in the interpretation and application of federal law.
  4. Setting Legal Precedent: Supreme Court decisions create legal precedent, which means that lower courts are generally bound to follow the Court’s interpretations of the law. This helps ensure consistency in the application of federal law across the country.
  5. Protecting Individual Rights: The Court is often called upon to protect individual rights and civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Landmark decisions such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and Roe v. Wade (1973) have had profound impacts on issues of racial segregation and reproductive rights, respectively.
  6. Checking the Other Branches of Government: The Supreme Court acts as a check on the powers of the other branches of government—executive and legislative. By exercising judicial review, the Court can invalidate actions or laws that it deems unconstitutional.

Overall, the Supreme Court is a vital institution in the U.S. legal and political system, providing a critical balance among the branches of government and safeguarding the principles outlined in the Constitution.

From chatgpt:

The primary function of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law. The DOJ is headed by the Attorney General, who is appointed by the President of the United States and is a member of the President’s Cabinet.

Key functions of the Department of Justice include:

  1. Enforcement of Federal Laws: The DOJ is responsible for ensuring that federal laws are enforced fairly and impartially. This includes investigating and prosecuting individuals and organizations that violate federal laws.
  2. Legal Representation: The DOJ provides legal advice and representation to the President and executive agencies, ensuring that the federal government’s actions are consistent with the law.
  3. Criminal Prosecutions: The DOJ prosecutes individuals and entities accused of violating federal criminal laws. This includes a wide range of offenses, from white-collar crimes to drug trafficking and terrorism.
  4. Civil Rights Protection: The DOJ plays a crucial role in protecting the civil rights of all Americans. This includes investigating and prosecuting cases involving discrimination, hate crimes, and violations of constitutional rights.
  5. National Security: The DOJ is involved in matters related to national security, including prosecuting cases of espionage, terrorism, and other threats to the country.
  6. Legal Policy and Advice: The DOJ provides legal advice to the President and other executive branch officials. It also plays a role in shaping legal policy, including providing input on proposed legislation.
  7. Immigration Enforcement: The DOJ is involved in immigration matters, overseeing the enforcement of immigration laws and handling immigration-related legal issues.

Overall, the Department of Justice plays a critical role in upholding the rule of law, ensuring justice, and safeguarding the rights and interests of the United States and its citizens.

From Chatgpt: 

all federal officials, including cabinet members, take the oath of office specified in the U.S. Constitution. The oath is as follows:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

This oath is intended to emphasize the commitment of the official to uphold the Constitution and carry out their duties in the best interest of the United States. Members of the presidential cabinet, as appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, take this oath upon assuming their respective offices.

Current AG, Merrick Garland,  some believe that he and his agency is pretty much a failure in following the mandates given his agency.  It has been over a years since the SCOTUS ruling on Ruan/Kahn, does anyone believe that the DOJ/DEA has stopped raiding prescriber’s offices based on some sort of OBJECTIVE CRITERIA ? Does anyone believe that the DEA has changed their opinion that 90 MME/day is still the standard of care and best practices and any prescriber providing above that MME/day is violating the Control Substance Act and basically running a “pill mill”? “They” keep stating that no one is above the law, maybe except those who is in charge of enforcing the same laws ?







Has some Pharmacists decided to practice medicine without a license ?

In listening to the attached video, remember … that one of the basics of the practice of medicine is the starting, changing or stopping a pt’s therapy. Pay attention to what the pharmacist is saying, telling the prescriber!

This is a video of a recent discussion between a prescriber and a pharmacist, regarding a pt that has lost her regular prescriber because of retirement.  I know who the prescriber is on the phone call, but I do not know who the Pharmacist is,  but suspect because of a few things stated by the Pharmacist… he works for a CHAIN.

Notice that the Pharmacist did not look at the pt’s PDMP history… all he is focused on is either the MME and/or Narxcare score, ignore the pt’s long term history of being on these medications for years.

He seems to be fixated on some arbitrary number and a “line drawn in the sand”  I suspect that this pharmacist works for one of the three chain pharmacies that made an agreement with 50 state AG’s & others. In which they agreed to reduce the opioids and/or controls that they dispense. https://www.pharmaciststeve.com/dea-surrogates-are-trying-to-throttle-the-availability-of-controlled-meds-to-pts/ This Pharmacist seems to be VERY RELUCTANT to explain what and where the criteria behind the “RED FLAG” that he is quoting came from and “hell bent” on refusing to dispense any medications above this seemingly arbitrary MME/day.

Since the Controlled Substance Act was signed into law in 1970, Pharmacists have not been allowed to change a C-II Rx for any reason – including verbal order from the prescriber.  Maybe, part of the lawsuit settlement to reduce the amount of controls those 3 chains dispensed. Gave them a special dispensation on that part of the CSA, as long as they are reducing the number of opioids they dispense?

I find it quite appalling that this Pharmacist had no interest to know if this pt was a confirmed ultra fast metabolizer by pharmacogenomics – which would be justification for the pt to have a higher dose and/or he no concern .. he was happy to enter into his pharmacy computer system a “corresponding responsibility rejection”, which would voided the pt’s C-II Rx and would most likely intentionally the pt into cold turkey withdrawal.

Last week 12 Kansas City area CVS locations close as pharmacists walk out over working conditions  I wonder if these Pharmacists walked out because CVS dictated how they were to practice pharmacy, what meds they can fill, what meds they can’t fill, and they are to limit how many controlled med doses they can provide to a particular pt?

Remember the first sentence of this blog… did the Pharmacist change the pt’s Rx? Was the Pharmacist willing to stop the pts medications? What part of the practice of medicine was this Pharmacist attempting to practice? Is the state board of pharmacy aware of this?  Do they really care … if they are aware?

Some Apple products will not play the above audio/video file

here is a audio only file that seems to play on Apple products

CVS pharmacists that walked out and negotiations with CVS exec and “promises made”

No alternative text description for this image

No alternative text description for this image

Two Large Medical Groups Shun Medicare Advantage Plans

Two Large Medical Groups Shun Medicare Advantage Plans



here is another Medicare -C (Advantage) announced this week – dropping Humana Medicare-C (Advantage) in Kentucky & Southern Indiana 

Humana-insured patients lose coverage at Baptist Health Medical Group

Signaling what may be an emerging national trend, two influential medical groups with San Diego-based Scripps Health are cancelling their Medicare Advantage contracts for 2024 because of low reimbursement and prior authorization hassles, leaving 30,000 enrolled seniors to look for new doctors, or different coverage.

“Negotiations with the payers for MA with our medical foundation groups and Scripps Health were unsuccessful and we have been forced to withdraw from those plans due to annual losses that exceeded $75 million,” Scripps CEO Chris Van Gorder told MedPage Today in an early morning email.

He said the losses are due to “low reimbursement, denials, and administrative costs to manage high utilization and out of network care.”

Van Gorder emphasized that about 30,000 enrollees will have to make a change in their coverage or pick another doctor. About 1,000 physicians and advanced practitioners such as physician assistants are members of the two groups.

“We certainly regret any inconvenience to them,” he said, but “that kind and size of loss is unsustainable by Scripps. We will remain in MA with our IPAs [independent physician associations] as those contracts are structured differently and of course, traditional Medicare.”

The two medical groups affected are Scripps Coastal and Scripps Clinic Medical Group. Five other Scripps medical groups will continue to take MA plans, he said. Affected beneficiaries should receive a notice directly from the plans.

Enrollees “can continue to see Scripps through traditional Medicare at all our hospitals and affiliated medical groups or can switch to an independent medical group (IPA) that still maintains a MA contract at Scripps Mercy, Scripps La Jolla, and Scripps Encinitas hospitals,” he added.

Patients can also switch to Kaiser Medicare Advantage during re-enrollment starting Oct. 15, or to another hospital system whose physicians still take MA plans.

However, switching to traditional Medicare without a supplemental plan — also called a Medigap plan — means patients incur 20% of all physician, lab, imaging, and emergency room costs, along with a $1,600 deductible per hospitalization episode this year. In California and in 44 other states, supplemental plans can reject applicants with common health conditions such as cancer, high blood pressure, a prior hospitalization, or joint replacement. In addition, these plans are expensive, with increasing monthly premiums as one gets older.

But Van Gorder said he had no choice. “We are a patient care organization and not a patient denial organization and, in many ways, the model of managed care has always been about denying or delaying care – at least economically. That is why denials, [prior] authorizations and administrative processes have become a very big issue for physicians and hospitals – not to mention that the reimbursement is insufficient in most government programs as we all know.”

“Now with intermediaries taking their profit and offering insurance to beneficiaries for free in many cases [the extra benefits like trips to the doctor], the end of the economic food chain is once again the hospitals and physicians.”

Van Gorder said patients should ask themselves, “‘Am I receiving the care I need if my hospital and physician are not even covering their costs? How long is that sustainable?'”

Where these patients will go is an open question.

More than half of all Medicare beneficiaries are now enrolled in MA plans nationally. In San Diego County, the fifth largest in the country, that percentage is 54%opens in a new tab or window of those eligible.

Nate Kaufman, a San Diego-based health system consultant, wasn’t surprised at Scripps’ news.

“I advise all hospitals to terminate their Medicare Advantage plans with anybody unless they’re getting over 115% of Medicare,” Kaufman told MedPage Today.

The problem is complicated, but in a nutshell the issue is a lack of funds to go around to pay hospitals and doctors the cost of care.

“Medicare’s contracts with Medicare Advantage plans pay less than what Medicare pays for traditional Medicare enrollees on the expectation that the plans will save money,” Kaufman said. “Then, the MA plan takes a piece off the top. The remaining funds go into two buckets. One for MA plan pharmacy benefits and the other for hospital and physicians. And that requires a major reduction in utilization to maintain profitability.”

Kaufman said all of this is made worse by the issue of prior authorization, which is now under Congressional scrutinyopens in a new tab or window.

“It creates hassles for everybody and cost,” he said. “The foundation upon which Medicare Advantage was built, which was that there’s excess money somewhere, has disappeared after the insurance company takes their cut off the top and captures the pharmacy rebates.”

Additionally, providers are seeing delays in getting paid, which carries its own cost. And because enrollees pay very low or no premiums, there are less funds for most of the providers, he said.

The issue is likely to keep many independent insurance agents busy. Christopher Westfall of Senior Savings Network, who is licensed to write Medicare contracts in 47 states, also sees providers ending their MA relationships as a national trend.

He said it can be extremely frustrating for his agents when seniors either don’t check their plan or choose the wrong plan thinking their provider is in network, only to find out after Jan. 1 that their doctors are in different plans, or have dropped out.

Many health systems have announced that they’re terminating their MA contracts, or are strongly considering it.

The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, and Scottsdale, Arizona, told beneficiariesopens in a new tab or window last October that it would no longer take most MA plans. If those patients sought care, it would be considered out-of-network, leaving them with a higher share of the costs.

Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis, Oregon, endedopens in a new tab or window its MA contracts with UnitedHealthcare, one of the largest Medicare Advantage contractors in the country.

Regional Medical Center in Cameron, Missouri terminatedopens in a new tab or window contracts with Cigna’s MA plans in 2023, and planned to drop Aetna and Humana MA contracts in 2024. Cameron’s Regional CEO Joe Abrutz blamed the plans’ practice of “delaying any action on reimbursement.”

Stillwater Medical Center, a 117-bed hospital in Oklahoma, called it quitsopens in a new tab or window last year with all of its in-network MA plans, blaming rising operating costs and a 22% prior authorization denial rate, compared with a 1% denial rate for traditional Medicare.

Brookings Health System, a 49-bed hospital in South Dakota, won’t be in networkopens in a new tab or window with any MA plan starting in January to preserve its financial sustainability.

St. Charles Health System in Oregon encouragedopens in a new tab or window its seniors not to enroll in MA this year as it re-evaluates its participation in Medicare Advantage contracts.

And Baptist Health Medical Group in Louisville, Kentucky failed to agree on termsopens in a new tab or window by its deadline with Humana’s Medicare Advantage plan and alerted their patients to seek other options.

Officials for the Medicare Advantage industry had not returned requests for comment as of press time.


Pharmacy desert coming to a town near you ?

CVS is permanently closing hundreds of stores for a surprising reason


The drugstore and health-care chain announced a slew of changes planned before the end of 2024.

It’s no secret that U.S. drugstore landscape has been consolidating at a jarring pace now that the pandemic has passed. 

Rite Aid  (RAD) – Get Free Report has been reportedly toying with the possibility of filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy and liquidating many of its stores. It currently has some $3.3 billion in debt. The proposed deal would permanently shutter 400 to 500 of the chain’s current 2,100 stores and hand them over to creditors or other interested buyers. 

With the the pandemic now firmly behind us and brick-and-mortar retail at a crawling recovery pace compared with more robust corners of the market, drugstores have been ripe for change and, perhaps inevitably, consolidation. 

Walgreens  (WBA) – Get Free Report recently parted ways with its intrepid covid-era chief executive, Rosalind Brewer, who abruptly left on Sept. 1. The drugstore is now seeking someone with “deep health-care experience to lead in today’s dynamic environment,” according to Executive Chairman Stefano Pessina. 

It’s clear that if a U.S. drugstore isn’t implementing change, change is being forced on it, and more often than not that spells trouble. And that’s before accounting for the sharp spike in shoplifting and other retail crime, which has cut deeply into drugstores’ bottom lines and forced some to either shutter or chain up frequently stolen goods. 

CVS  (CVS) – Get Free Report is one chain that has managed to weather the post-covid recovery with as much ease and grace as is possible in the sector. The largest drugstore in America said in mid-September that it would launch a new company, called Cordavis, which would aim to bring down drug prices for customers by producing biosimilar medications and negotiating directly with drugmakers. 

The prospect is exciting for both customers and investors because CVS has not only market opportunity but also the scale to compete with the large drugmakers.

But it’s been active not only on the partnership and growth front. CVS is also consolidating, thanks to a recent policy change that will shutter hundreds of locations at a rapid clip. 

Walgreens Pharmacy and store closing sign at entrance, Queens, New York. (Photo by: Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

CVS is shuttering hundreds of stores

A policy change first put forward in 2021 meant that hundreds of CVS locations would close as the chain worked to cut costs and get ahead of losses. 

“The company has been evaluating changes in population, consumer buying patterns and future health needs to ensure it has the right kinds of stores in the right locations for consumers and for the business. As part of this initiative, CVS Health will reduce store density in certain locations and close approximately 300 stores a year for the next three years,” the company said in late 2021. 

The drugstore has already shuttered locations in Des Moines, Iowa; Berkeley, Calif.; San Francisco; Albany, N.Y., Houston, Kansas City, Mo., and Tallahassee, Fla.

“We consider many factors when making store-closure decisions, including maintaining access to pharmacy services, local market dynamics, population shifts, a community’s store density, and ensuring there are other geographic access points to meet the needs of the community,” a spokesperson said of the decision. 

As many as 900 stores are expected to close through the end of 2024. 

Walgreens also said during its Q3-earnings call in June that it planned to close as many as 450 stores across the U.S. and U.K. to simplify the business. 


Humana-insured patients lose coverage at Baptist Health Medical Group

This is another example of a Medicare Advantage prgm… that is being provided by a FOR PROFIT insurance company and providing a Medicare-C (Advantage) insurance. Baptist Healthcare is a large hospital & office practices in Kentucky & southern Indiana. According to this article, the Baptist hospitals are still in-network with Humana. In 2024, it will cost us abt $750/yr each before we get the first PENNY IN COVERAGE for our medications. “We” have Humana Part D and we have already been given a “heads-up” that if we elected to stay with Humana for 2024, our “out of pocket costs” is increasing abt 45%. Of course, as of Jan 1, 2024… Humana is merging with United Health – who is endorsed by AARP.. don’t know if this has anything to do with these out of pocket cost. When I turned 65 y/o in 2012, United Health Medicare Supplement was $20/month more for the same supplemental policy that we ended up signing up for.  Maybe the difference between this year Medicare Part D and will be for 2024… was what it cost United Health – and other businesses – to have AARP’s endorsement?

Humana-insured patients lose coverage at Baptist Health Medical Group


The two companies were unable to reach an agreement Friday, leaving some patients little to no options.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Baptist Medical Health Group is no longer accepting some patients insured through Humana, after the companies were unable to reach an agreement Friday.

After months of negotiations, there was no agreement on a new contract – meaning Baptist Health Medical Group will be out of Humana’s network for Medicare Advantage and employer-sponsored commercial plans.

Patients, like Amy Derby, are now left frantic and unsure of where to turn next.

“Everybody’s lost,” Derby said. “And you try and talk to a social worker or a healthcare advocate here at the hospital and they don’t even know.”

Derby has been insured through Humana for 13 years. She tells WHAS11 that she was notified in late August of the negotiation problems between Baptist, Humana and Medicare. 

She received a letter from Baptist printed on Sep. 13, but delivered Sep. 18, stating that her doctor at Baptist was dropping her as a patient because of her Humana Medicare Advantage Plan. That change went into effect Sept. 22. 

What does this all mean? Higher out-of-pocket costs for medical services.

“Now that I’m out of network, I can’t get any actual answers on what copays, hospitalizations, or procedures are going to be,” Derby said.

Derby is now tasked with finding a new general practitioner cardiologist and hematologist oncologist.

“I’m just in a tizzy like everybody else,” she said. 

In a statement sent to WHAS11, Baptist Medical Health Group stated, in part: “As caregivers, nothing is more important than ensuring our patients have access to the care they need, when they need it. We understand this process has been frustrating for our community, but we will continue to advocate for those we serve.”

The change only effects Baptist Health Medical Group, Baptist Health hospitals are still in-network for Humana.

Baptist Health is encouraging patients to call Humana at the number on the back of your insurance card to learn about your plan’s out-of-network benefits. 

Humana has not responded to our requests for comment.

‘No question my mom was addicted to opioids,’ McCaskill reflects during roundtable

U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, who is an attorney, “There’s no question my mom was addicted to opioids near the end of her life, ..“And frankly some of the times she was in the most pain was when she was going through withdrawals. She wanted the drugs because she was coming off of the drugs”

Marc Larsen, the chair of emergency medicine at St. Luke’s, told McCaskill the medical community “created this epidemic by saying we have to treat the pain.”

McCaskill, got her law degree in 1978, when the DEA was just gaining some some momentum and in 1999 Congress passed the Decade of Pain Law than when in came to be renewed in 2009-2010, the political majority of Congress had flipped since the law was signed into law and it was not renewed.

If Senator McCaskill, wanted to take her Mom off her pain management, at her in a life… no matter how much she suffered with untreated pain and withdrawal. All she seemed to care about is the possibility of her Mom being “addicted ” to a opioid when she died.

Those of you who live in Missouri and have written to or talked to Senator McCaskill about the fabricated opioid crisis. If she threw her elderly Mom into withdrawal and untreated pain… do you think that you can get thru to her?  To change her mind?

‘No question my mom was addicted to opioids,’ McCaskill reflects during roundtable


U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill thinks her mother was addicted to opioids before she died. McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, hosted a health care roundtable Friday afternoon at St. Luke’s Hospital. The roundtable with Kansas City physicians and other medical professionals covered topics including the cost of emergency room care, the impact of Missouri’s decision to not expand Medicaid and problems in the state’s mental health system. McCaskill also devoted several minutes to the highly personal topic of opioid addiction. “There’s no question my mom was addicted to opioids near the end of her life,” said McCaskill, whose mother, Betty Anne McCaskill, died in 2012 at age 84. She recalled how her mother often told her doctors that her pain was at a 10 on 1-to-10 scale to get the strongest dose of medication during her final years. “It was one of those gut-wrenching things because it felt like I knew it was not helping her. On the other hand, to try and get her off those drugs at that point in her life also seemed like a cruel and sometimes painful thing to get done,” McCaskill elaborated to reporters after the event. “And frankly some of the times she was in the most pain was when she was going through withdrawals. She wanted the drugs because she was coming off of the drugs … and all of them were prescribed with her doctors.” Marc Larsen, the chair of emergency medicine at St. Luke’s, told McCaskill the medical community “created this epidemic by saying we have to treat the pain.” McCaskill, who has led an investigation into opioid manufacturers, floated the idea of broadening her investigative efforts into the rest of the pharmaceutical industry. She repeatedly expressed her concern about the links between drug companies and research organizations that tout the benefits of medication. U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill offered an alternative to President Donald Trump’s proposed military parade. By Bryan Lowry and Leah Becerra Another area of focus during the discussion was the state of mental health care in Missouri. McCaskill was shocked to learn that the largest mental health care provider in the state is the Department of Corrections. She was also surprised to learn that Missouri incarcerates women at a higher rate than any other state. “Are women meaner in Missouri?” she quipped. After the meeting, she blamed both of these statistics on the state’s “failure to have wrap-around health services, mental health services, behavioral health services for many of the underinsured and uninsured in our state.”



Abbott issues warning for 155K pain relief devices

Abbott issues warning for 155K pain relief devices


Abbott has received reports of 73 injuries concerning its Abbott Proclaim and Infinity neurostimulation systems, which deliver low-intensity electrical impulses and are used for chronic pain, the FDA said Sept. 13. 

The devices are indicated for spinal cord and deep brain stimulation. The product can be controlled through a mobile app, including halting therapy to begin magnetic resonance imaging. Abbott said some patients have reported being unable to exit the MRI mode from the app, which could require surgery to replace the device. 

Customers for about 155,000 Proclaim and Infinity systems have been notified after Abbott recorded 73 injuries and 186 incidents. The company instructed implanting surgeons to advise patients to not delete bluetooth connection between their phone and the device.