IF I was a drug diverter !

These bureaucrats are so smart… they are expanding a 1990’s system (Prescription Monitoring Program -PMP) … there are still a hand full of states that still don’t have a system in place.. They are even starting to get various states to link together.. so that searching one state’s system will also concurrently search others.  First […]

When torture and abuse is OK !

You know.. as a society.. we have certain rules by which we all are suppose to live by.. A certain part of our society is against “aggressive interrogation techniques”, torture or other means of getting information from terrorists that are out to kill innocent people. We have laws against mental/physical abusing a spouse.. in some […]

Fear and Retribution

I am sure that it is just not healthcare…but most of us have some fear.. for the sake of fear or fear of retribution for something that we do.. when we are doing the right thing. I talk with prescribers that are fearful of the DEA.. if they write for too many opiates or controlled […]

Where the media goes..can the personal injury attorneys be far behind?

Here is a article from WPTV NBC  affiliate in Florida from last month. What I find interesting is that the chain involved was not named in the article… trying to avoid offending a major advertiser ? But in the article.. it was stated that the RPH was a woman.. so all you male Rph’s in […]

Why do people take no responsibility for themselves?

Yesterday morning ~ 09:30 I get a phone call from a temp service…can you work at this big box store and how soon can you be there? Seems like the RPH of the day didn’t show up to open the pharmacy at 09:00.  I am a night-owl… so I was just starting to think about […]

What is a whistleblower?

Recently Joe Zorek filed a lawsuit against CVS using the whistleblower law… not familiar with the law I looked it up at wikipedia and here is the definition Definition Most whistleblowers are internal whistleblowers, who report misconduct on a fellow employee or superior within their company. One of the most interesting questions with respect to […]

Today I enter a major new chapter in MY LIFE !

First it was 16… I could drive 18…. I could vote 21…. I could legally drink alcohol 35 … I could run for President of the US — but I don’t know why anyone would want to TODAY… I go on MEDICARE… This is a bitter/sweet day… I no longer have to worry about Blue […]