Where do they get these people?

I don’t often write about the day to day perils of working in a LTCP… but some of the staff …. today…. we receive faxed in orders…. only having patient name on them…. call to LTCF … CLARIFY ORDERS PLEASE …. we receive second fax… INVANZ  1 Gm…. call to LTCF … WOULD THAT BE […]

We have declared another war !

According to an article in DRUG TOPICS Two top officials of the Obama administration declared a high-tech war on Medicare fraud If we are no better at this war than the “war on drugs” … WE ARE IN TROUBLE ! Just think of all the “bureaucratic wars” that have been declared … and all the […]

Trying to “UNRING” a bell?

ESI/Medco announced that they closed the merger deal on April 2nd… according to this article The lawsuit filed by NCPA & NACDS & others…. BMO Capital analyst Dave Shove called the request for an injunction a long shot because the plaintiffs must convince the judge there is a threat for severe and immediate harm, and […]

New Facebook Page

I have created a new Facebook page  Pharmacy Roulette – you bet your life… it is going to be a repository of  published news on how pharmacy and our healthcare system is harming & killing patients … it also goes out on Twitter … click here  if you wish to follow. If your own work […]

Insight in to how FTC… views pharmacy

In a recent article in DRUG TOPICS … Should independent pharmacies be given anti-trust immunity to act against contracts presented by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs)? A representative of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said “no” and pharmacists said “yes” during a Congressional subcommittee hearing on HR 1946 last week. “Giving healthcare providers – whether pharmacies, […]

Drug store robberies and holdups make national news

On ABC news the amount of drugs store robberies and holdups continue to increase. As I remember…. back in the early 70’s…. stealing controlled substances from a pharmacy was made a FEDERAL OFFENSE… the same as robbing a bank… Has anyone seen the FBI involved with a pharmacy robbery? Here is quote from a robbery […]

Distractions and Interruptions and medication errors

Here is a 1999 study on how distractions and interruptions can impact on how many medication errors can happen in various practice settings. Here we are 13 years a later…. expecting to handle more volume/hr and has the layout of many Rx dept and/or system/procedure  have changed over the past decade for the positive? Here […]

Another PIC charged with Federal Crimimal charges over medication error

According to this  article .… According to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, ApothéCure personnel in January 2007….. prepared 175 mL of colchicine solution at a concentration of 3.2 mg/mL, put 5-mL portions into 35 vials, and affixed labels stating the vials contained 1 mg of colchicine per 2 mL. Is this another situation that […]

Inter-agency cooperation at its finest

One would think that in the war on drugs that all state agency would be “on board” and part of the team According to this article in the DENVER POST in Colorado the Colorado BOP has denied the request of the state’s Medicaid dept to have access to their PMP… to help deal with doctor […]

Are the FEDS laying the ground work for Obamacare?

For decades… BTC (Behind the counter) class of drugs … or Pharmacist only class of drugs.. have been discussed. It is being thrown out there again… We all know that gross expenditures are going to go thru the roof… if Obamacare is implemented… and while the idea of “death panels” have been toss around… and […]