Football analogy that describes the Pharmacist’s Job

The next time that someone talks about your job.. especially how little you do.. or how “cushy” it is.. use this football analogy.

Your are the “head referee”..  and you work with six other referees in training… but you are responsible for the accuracy of all the calls made by all the other referees. If the other referees makes a bad call .. that you didn’t catch.. you are held responsible.

You spend your time during the game.. running from one end of the field to the other.. you have to pay attention to what the coaches, players on the bench and the fans are doing… you are responsible to call a technical if someone gets out of line.

The “game” instead of having four – 15 minute quarters… Pharmacist only have to deal with one “play period”… that   lasts 12-14 hrs… and there is no “inactive time between plays, time-outs or half-time .  There are flags on a play and penalties – called gift cards… are given out.

You have multiple camera recording your every move.. and those operating the cameras can overrule your call and/or even reverse it.. after reviewing the “play-back”

You also get to work multiple days in a row.. which football Referees normally don’t

What a cushy job ….

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