Biden’s $125 billion investment in a comprehensive response to the opioid epidemic and substance use disorders is paid for by raising taxes on the profits of pharmaceutical corporations

Biden is going to stop the opioid crisis and the addiction problem… spending 12.5 billion/yr over the next TEN YEARS…  The war on drugs is currently costing us 100+ billion/yr. So Biden expects to succeed where FIVE DECADES and TWO + TRILLION spent has not only FAILED  but seemingly MADE THINGS WORSE ! Last year […]

They are dropping like flies… but no one is really keeping stats

A fairly visible chronic pain advocate just re-posted a video she did abt four years ago about another chronic painer who had her pain management reduced, given the date on the video would suggest that happened sometime after the 2016 CDC guidelines published and the 2019 posted date on the video.  Apparently this pt over […]

From Eugenics to Genocide

There has been all too many dictators/groups- over many centuries – that have targeted certain groups because they were deemed unequal, unholy or doesn’t “fit in” with what some believe is representative of what a particular societal population should be. Annually, there is a huge meeting in DAVOS, where financially and politically important people […]

Reportedly Kaiser has discharged all chronic pain pts unless cancer or palliative care

Apparently by the date on this letter Kaiser JUMPED THE GUN on the CDC 2022 guidelines and they are referencing the MME system which has no science nor double blind clinical studies supporting its conclusions Looks like Kaiser is practicing medicine by COMMITTEE. I know that the Controlled Substance Act states that no one […]

Canadian panel pushes assisted suicide for minors without parental consent

Canadian panel pushes assisted suicide for minors without parental consent Canada’s Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying recommending allowing euthanasia for some minors Canada’s Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) recommended assisted suicide for minors without parental consent in mid-February. A 138-page Canadian Parliament document was shared online called, […]

Walmart lawsuit against U.S. over opioids is dismissed

For those of you who keep talking about suing the Federal Government/DEA – here is how you can sue the government BUT YOU WILL NOT GET PAST FIRST BASE…  the federal government has this “wild card” that they can use to get any case dismissed they want to. It is called sovereign immunity and basically […]


Every time that I sit down at my desk, I am reminded of a couple of movies GROUND HOG DAY and ALICE IN WONDERLAND Because I seem to go down the same RABBIT HOLE and I keep  giving out the same advice I have posted perhaps hundreds of times before. I have read where some […]

Coronavirus vaccine: MIT Professor calls for immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine

Coronavirus vaccine: MIT Professor calls for immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine The number of health professionals urging for the suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine is increasing. The call for withdrawing the vaccine is getting stronger. Recently, MIT Professor Retsef Levi took to Twitter to share the harm mRNA vaccines are causing in young […]

Medicare announces plan to recoup billions from drug companies

This graphic represents into whose pockets/coffers where the $$ that the pt pays at the register ends up going.  I think that this proposal clearly explains the power of those companies who has the largest pots of money to pay lobbyists to convince Congress and members of the Administration as to what the big corporations […]

Just because someone has a Medicaid health insurance card does not mean they have access to health care

States have better options than expanding Medicaid to care for their poor More than a decade after the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, became law, most states — red and blue alike — have concluded that the law’s offer of federal money to cover Medicaid expansion is just too good to pass […]